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Selasa, 19 April 2011



The new animal is lately highlighted the dragons (prehistoric animals that still survive to this day) became famous and became one candidate legacy of generations past, anddeserve to be protected.

Komodo National Park consists of three large islands of Komodo, Rinca and Padar island as well as 26 large islands / other small. A total of 11 pieces of the mountain / hill in the Park with the highest peak is Mount Satalibo (± 735 meters above sea level).
Natural state of the dry and arid make a uniqueness. The existence of vast savannas, water resources are limited and temperatures hot enough, it turns out to be the habitat favored by a kind of ancient animals Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis).
Much of this national park is savanna with palm trees (Borassus flabellifer) the most dominant and distinctive. Some plants that exist in the Park, among others, rattan (Calamus sp.), Bamboo (Bambusa sp.), Acid (Tamarindus indica), bulging (Sterculia foetida), lote (Ziziphus jujuba), and mangrove (Rhizophora sp.)

In addition to the typical wildlife of Komodo, there are deer (Cervus timorensis floresiensis), wild boar (Sus scrofa), ajag (Cuon alpinus javanicus), wild horse (Equus qaballus), wild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), 2 species of sea turtles, 10 species of dolphins, 6 species of whales and dugongs are often seen in marine waters of Komodo National Park.
The potential of marine life in this park, there were 259 types of coral and 1,000 species of fish such as barracuda, marlin, yellow tail, red snapper, baronang, and others.
Komodo National Park is a national asset that has the support of technical assistance to its management internationally, and has been designated as World Natural Heritage Site and Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO.
Komodo Habitat Savannah

Tourists mostly visit the Komodo National Park are foreign tourists, where they call this a national park with the nickname "own world". As far as the eye could see visible open field with a few palm trees that towered into the sky against a background straight chain of mountains, arid and barren impression on savanna but noisy by some of the sound of birds and wild horses, giant reptiles. Swimming and bathing under the hot sun and blue sea of ​​Flores, is a world unto itself and the experience is not forgotten by the tourists.
Some locations / attractions to be visited:Loh Liang. The main entrance to the wildlife observation activities on monsoon forest bordered by white sand beaches and cultural tourism.Pulau Lasa, Red Beach, Loh Bo and Sebita. Diving and snorkeling dive shop facilities and glass bottom boat.

The generally steep and rugged topography reflects the position of the national park within the active volcanic 'shatter belt' between Australia and the Sunda shelf. Komodo, the largest island, has a topography dominated by a range of rounded hills oriented along a north-south axis at an elevation of 500-600 m. Relief is steepest towards the north-east, notably the peak of Gunung Toda Klea which is precipitous and crowned by deep, rocky and dry gullies.
The coastline is irregular and characterized by numerous bays, beaches and inlets separated by headlands, often with sheer cliffs falling vertically into the sea. To the east, Padar is a small, narrow island the topography of which rises steeply from the surrounding plains to between 200 m and 300 m. Further east, the second largest island in the park, Rinca, is separated from Flores by a narrow strait a few kilometres wide. As with Komodo and Padar, the coastline is generally rugged and rocky although sandy beaches are found in sheltered bays. The mainland components of the park lie in the rugged coastal areas of western Flores, where surface fresh water is more abundant than on the islands of Komodo, Rinca and Padar. The seas around the islands are reported to be among the most productive in the world due to upwelling and a high degree of oxygenation resulting from strong tidal currents which flow through the Sape Straits. Fringing and patch coral reefs are extensive and best developed in the west- and north-facing areas, the most intact being on the north-east coast of Komodo and the south-west coast of Rinca and Padar.
The predominant vegetation type is open grass-woodland savannah, mainly of anthropogenic origin, which covers some 70% of the park. The dominant savannah tree is lontar palm, which occurs individually or in scattered stands. Tropical deciduous (monsoon) forest occurs along the bases of hills and on valley bottoms. The forest is notable, lacking the predominance of Australian derived tree flora found further to the east on Timor. A quasi cloud forest occurs above 500m on pinnacles and ridges. Although covering only small areas on Komodo Island, it harbours a relict flora of many endemic species. Floristically, it is characterized by moss-covered rocks, rattan, bamboo groves and many tree species generally absent at lower elevations. Coastal vegetation includes mangrove forest, which occurs in sheltered bays on Komodo, Padar and Rinca.
The park is best known for the Komodo monitor, the world's largest living lizard. The population is distributed across the islands of Komodo, Rinca and Gili Motong, and in certain coastal regions of western and northern Flores. Favoured habitat is tropical deciduous forest and, to a lesser extent, open savannah. The mammalian fauna is characteristic of the Wallacean zoogeographical zone, with seven terrestrial species recorded including the endemic rat. Other mammals include primates such as crab-eating macaque. Introduced species, such as rusa deer and wild boar, as well as feral domestic animals including horses and water buffalo, form important prey species for the Komodo monitor. Some 72 species of bird have been recorded, including yellow-crested cockatoo, noisy friar bird and common scrubhen.
Upwelling of nutrient-rich water from deeper areas of the archipelago is responsible for the rich reef ecosystem of which only isolated patches remain due to anthropogenic disturbance. In areas of strong currents, the reef substrate consists of an avalanche of coral fragments, with only encrusting or low branching species. Reefs off the north-east of Komodo have high species diversity. The reefs off Gili Lawa Laut are variable. Notable marine mammals include blue whale and sperm whale, which are occasionally observed, as well as 10 species of dolphin and dugong. Marine reptiles include five species of turtle.
It is thought that the islands have long been settled due to their strategic importance and the existence of sheltered anchorages and supplies of fresh water on Komodo and Rinca. The evidence of early settlement is further supported by the recent discovery of Neolithic graves, artefacts and megaliths on Komodo Island.


Historical Description

The islands of Komodo, Padar, Rinca and Gili Motong and the surrounding waters were declared a 75,OOOha national park on 6 March 1980 (MOF, 1990). This was extended to 219,322ha in 1984 under Ministerial Decree 46/kpts/VI-Sek/1984 to include an expanded marine area and a section of mainland Flores. The island of Padar and part of Rinca were first protected in 1938 when they were established as nature reserves (Auffenburg, 1981) and extended in 1965 when Komodo Island was gazetted under Ministerial Decree No. 66. Komodo was accepted as a biosphere reserve under the Unesco Man and Biosphere Programme in January 1977.


Hiroshima Palace


Hiroshima Castle (広 島 城, Hiroshima-Jo?) or often called the Palace Koi fish (鲤城,rijō?) is a palace located in the city of Hiroshima, Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan.

First built in 1589, the hiroshima palace is the center of power daimyo han Hiroshimaregion. Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945 destroyed the entire palace buildings. The current palace is a replica built in 1958 and serves as a museum of the history of Hiroshima before World War II period.

The main tower is black like the color of koi fish or moat around the castle there is lots ofkoi fish is the reason Hiroshima Castle is known as koi palace.

Pride baseball team named the Hiroshima Toyo Carp Hiroshima Carp in Englishbecause it means the Koi fish.


Hiroshima palace built on the soft delta soil, the weight distribution of stone walls that must be equitably requires special techniques. The building of the original palace built of wood and finished around 1592 or 1599.

The top floor Honmaru stone wall building consisting of two levels of a collapse due to improvements made ​​by Fukushima Masanori. The result of a failed repair by FukushimaMasanori can still be seen today.


Sengoku Period

Construction of the palace started in 1589 by the Mori clan leader named Mori Terumoto. The palace was built at a location called Gokamura the Ota River delta. The location of the palace is considered strategic because the river can be used as a means of transportation.
Akitakata Yoshidakōriyama Palace in the city that had become the center of power Mori clan is a castle on the mountain (yamajiro) with an impenetrable defense, although many times been attacked by the enemy. In the Sengoku era marked by war scramble areas, Yoshidakōriyama Palace is situated in a strategic location for Mori clan because it is situated in the middle of the San-in and Sanyo.
Japan's domestic political situation becomes stable in the last year and the Mori clan Tenshō era has become a ruler (taishu) 9 provinces in the Chugoku region valued at 1.2 million koku, but stewardship of government began to decrease. Yoshidakōriyama palace in the mountains in remote locations that are not suitable as a trade center that intends to move the Mori clan. Mori clan chose lowland location on the seafront to build a castle town as a major transport hub in the Seto Inland Sea which is the trade route.Others said the plan to build castles in the lowlands has been thought by the grandfather who named Mori Mori Terumoto Motonari.
Construction of the palace is a large project with the first stage of backfilling sand shoal in the river and dredging the land to create a watery ditch. Construction of the palace using a model medieval castle with the example of Osaka Castle. The composition of the building following the model of the official residence of Toyotomi Hideyoshi in Kyoto called Jurakudai.
When the castle was built, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was waging a war of conquest Joseon called the Seven Years War. Toyotomi Hideyoshi wanted to make the Palace rearguard Hiroshima as the invasion of Joseon and to help in the matter of palace construction techniques. Personal Adviser Hideyoshi named Kuroda Josui was sent to assist the construction of the palace. There is a story that said Hideyoshi himself came to stay in Hiroshima for overseeing the construction of the palace. Two small towers reportedly built in the south and east of the main tower.
Construction of the palace was completed in 1599. As has just finished, grandeur palace reportedly could become a rival of Osaka Castle, but unfortunately the shape of the building before overhauled by Fukushima Masanori not known for certain.

Hiroshima palace moved his hands after Fukushima Masanori Mori clan's territory seized by Tokugawa Ieyasu due to losing the Battle of Sekigahara. Mori clan moved to the two provinces Bōchō (Suo and Nagato provinces) (region han Chōshū).
In 1619, Fukushima Masanori dismissal punished for doing repair flood-damaged palace without permission from the Tokugawa Shogunate. Masanori Fukushima moved to Kawanakajima in the province of Shinano and Asano Nagaakira Kii Wakayama province appointed as the new ruler's palace. Starting from Nagaakira Asano, Asano clan became ruler of Hiroshima for 12 generations or about 250 years. Lord of the Ako han named Asano Takumi no kami who became background Chūshingura event is branching of the Asano clan.
Hiroshima Palace was once a vast palace in the reign of Hiroshima han. Deep trench, ditch the middle and outer ditches within a radius of 1 kilometer from the palace buildings. The palace is visible now is the extent was greatly reduced after the moat outside diuruk in 1911 and the middle teruruk trench with rubble after the explosion of an atomic bomb.
In the city of Hiroshima today can still be found a place name ending in horizontal (堀?, Trenches) as Hatchobori and Yagenbori. Hatchobori located about hachi (八?, Eight) cho (about 880 meters) in the eastern outer moat. Japanese Garden named Shukkeien which is located on the east side of Hiroshima Castle, a longtime neighborhood was still inside the palace.
The south outer moat is now a Aioi-dori highway stretching from east to west. Kamiya-cho Nishi intersection (in front of Sogo Hiroshima) used to be the location of the main gate of the palace. Shirokita-dori highway used to be the north end of the palace. Water to flow through outer moat Hongawa taken from the river (river Kyu-ōtagawa) near the bridge Misasabashi.
Sign daimyo lord of Hiroshima Castle
1. Mori Terumoto (1591-1600) * received 1.12 million koku2. Fukushima Masanori (1600-1619), received 498,223 koku3. Asano Nagaakira (1619-1632), received 426,500 koku **4. Asano Mitsuakira (1632-1672)5. Asano Tsunaakira (1672-1673)6. Asano Tsunanaga (1673-1708)7. Asano Yoshinaga (1708-1752)8. Asano Munetsune (1752-1763)9. Asano Shigeakira (1763-1799)10. Asano Narikata (1799-1830)11. Asano Naritaka (1831-1858)12. Asano Yoshiteru (1858-1858)13. Asano Nagamichi (1858-1869)14. Asano Nagakoto (1869-1869)
* Years in parentheses are the years in power at the Palace of Hiroshima and not years of life** Daimyo Asano Nagaakira after all received 426,500 koku.

In 1871, Kyushu garrison which was one of six formed the Japanese military garrison stationed in the palace. Hiroshima increasingly important role as a military town after the garrison was increased to garrison Hiroshima Kyushu in 1873. Military facilities such as the 11 th regiment of infantry and army cadet school was also in Hiroshima in the environment court.
In the Jiawu War, the headquarters of the Japanese imperial army (Daihonei) moved temporarily into the palace because the location of the Tokyo neighborhood that is too far from the battlefield. From the date of 15 September 1894 to 27 April 1895, Emperor Meiji to stay for a while in Hiroshima. Japanese imperial Parliament also moved to temporarily into the environment court. Until the end of the War Jiawu, Hiroshima actually had time to become the capital of Japan even though only a few months.
Inside the palace environment can still be seen historic site of the former army headquarters of the Japanese empire. Location of Hiroshima is considered strategic for the relocation of the command headquarters for the rail Sanyo had come to Hiroshima in June 1894 and a large warship to dock at the port of Ujina (now the Port of Hiroshima).
In 1931, the main tower of the palace set by the government as national heritage of Japan. On August 6, 1945 at 08:15 am, the palace buildings burned to the ground due to the atomic bomb. The remains of the palace building can not be recognized, although there was testimony that said the building materials from the palace used by city residents who have difficulty living. The location of the court designated as a historic site on March 31, 1953.

Existing buildings

Hiroshima Castle in the environment there are only a few buildings:

* Main Tower

Replication of the main tower is made of concrete that mimics the look outside the maintower of the original building. The tower was built in connection with the organization ofexhibitions recovery city of Hiroshima in 1958. The building consists of 5 floors with aheight of 26.6 meters above the foundation stone of 12.4 meters altitude above ground level.

* The tower supervisor (Ninomaru Hirayagura, Tamon Yagura, Taiko Yagura) and gateOmotegomon

Everything is a replica of the wooden building was completed in 1994.

* Temple of Hiroshima Gokokujinja

Shinto Shrine which occupies the former Honmaru and visited by many people who doHatsumode early in the new year.

* Other buildings:
Chugoku television station Hōsō (RCC) which is part of TBS television network, a statue of Hayato Ikeda (Hiroshima-born politician in the Meiji era), volleyball court and fountain.

The following is part of a collection of images of the beauty of Hiroshima castleremaining :

Jumat, 15 April 2011


Tana Toraja is one of the Indonesian tourist attraction, inhabited by a tribe who inhabitthe mountains of Toraja and maintaining a distinctive lifestyle and still show the originalAustronesian lifestyle and culture are similar to Nias. This area is one tourist attraction inSouth Sulawesi, which is very interesting and you should not miss.
The following is a list of some interesting places that you might visit:

Tanah Toraja, a tourist attraction known for its cultural wealth. The district is located about 350 km north of Makassar is very famous with their customary form of house building. The traditional house called Tongkonan roof is made ​​of split bamboo and are prepared overlap, but now many are using zinc. Tongkonan also has a suitable degreeof nobility strata strata of society such as gold, bronze, iron and so attached imagekuningan.Saking Tanah Toraja with this customary home building, as a form ofpromotion of tourism and to attract Japanese tourists to this region, then the custom house was built in country "sunrise"is. The building itself is done by the Toraja people and tourism entrepreneurs trafficked into the country of cherry. Now in Japan, there have been two very similar Tongkonan Tongkonan original. Attendance Tongkonan alwayswowed the country community for its unique. The difference with those in Tanah Toraja is located on the roof only using bamboo.

There are many other attraction of Tanah Toraja in addition to traditional ceremoniessigns solo (funeral), which is famous for this. Call it baby graves in the trees at KampungKambira Tarra, Sangalla District, about 20 kilometers from Rantepao, prepared for thebody of a baby aged 0-7 years.

Although babies buried in a tree Tarra was not implemented since the last decades, butthe tree where "bury" the baby's corpse was still upright and visited by many tourists. On top of the tree whose fruits resemble Tarra breadfruit commonly used as a vegetable bythe local population with a circle of trees about 3.5 meters, saved dozens of deadbabies.

Before the body is inserted into the tree trunk, the tree is first perforated and then placedinto a dead baby and then covered with a black palm tree fiber. After decades, the bodies of babies that will blend with the tree. This is an attraction for travelers and toTanah Toraja people still consider it sacred place like a newborn child.

Placement of the baby's body on the tree is well adapted to the social strata of society.The higher the degree of social family, the higher the place of a baby who was buried inthe trunk Tarra. In fact, infants who die are placed in the direction of the grieving familyresidence. If the house is on the western part of the tree, then the child's body will beplaced in the west.


Tongkonan Pallawa is one tongkonan or traditional house that very interesting and among the tree-pohin banbu on the hilltop. Tongkonan is decorated with a number ofbuffalo horn that is attached at the front of traditional house. Located about 12 km to thenorth of Rantepau.

To reach this remarkable Tanah Toraja have domestic flights Makassar - Toraja Landthat is currently only once a week and wear a small plane passenger eight people,which takes 45 minutes from Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar. If by land, which is quite tiring trip takes seven to ten hours.

Event of interest in this tourist area that is the burial ceremony (solo signs) and signsTuka (thanksgiving feast) which is a fixed calendar every year. In addition to theseevents, visitors can see up close other interesting cultural attractions such as thestorage remains in the holding body shaped "container" giant size with a width of 3 meters and 10 meters high and tongkonan 600 years old in Londa, Rantepao.


Rantepao is the second city after Makale in Toraja. Rantepao advantage is most of the
 places of interest located around 15 km radius from the center kota.Toraja consists of two main areas: Makale and Rantepao. Makale is the center of government, whileRantepao is the business center. Both the area, since two years ago, separate each 
into districts: Tana Toraja to Makale; North Toraja Rantepao.


Londa is the steep rocks on the side of a typical tomb Tana Toraja. One was located onhigh ground from the hill with a cave in which the corpse crates are set according to the family line, the other one left open hillside views overlooking the green expanse.Located about 5 km to the south of Rantepau.

Ke’te Kesu

The object of this charming village of Tongkonan, rice barns and buildings in the surrounding megaliths. About 100 yards behind this village there is a cliff with the grave cemetery site dependent and tau-tau in a given building stone fence. Tau-tau shows the daily appearance of the owner. This village is also known as carving skills possessed byits inhabitants as well as a great place to shop for souvenirs. Located about 4 km from southeast Rantepau.

Batu Tumonga

In this area you can find about 56 stone menhirs in a loop with 4 trees in the middle.Most stone menhir has a height of about 2-3 meters. From here you can see the beautyrantepau and the surrounding valley. Located in the area Sensean with ketinggai 1300Meters above sea level.


This place is often referred to as the home of the spirits. In the cemetery you can see thecorpses Lemo yanng stored in the open air, amid the steep rocks. This cemetery is thecombination of death, art and ritual. At certain times clothing from the bodies will bereplaced with a ceremony Ma Nene. Located in Tanah Toraja Regency.
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